Monday, December 21, 2015

Expressionist Foam Prints

These prints were inspired by Kathe Kollwitz and her German Expressionist work that always portrayed social issues. 7/8 Visual Art students created two sketches that they transferred to foam plates. One was a human showing expression and the other was a repetitive design of their choice that filled the plate. Students printed each plate and also printed one over the other.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Greek Black Figure Vases

The 6th grade students spent a lot of time learning about the Ancient Greeks, They created paper vases first using black oil pastels.

Art Room Bulletin Board

Then they began work making paper mach vases. Working with glue, balloons, and newspaper was quite messy, but they worked hard to get cleaned up most days.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Scratch Art Collages


Inspired by the sand paintings of Tibetan Monks, students in 7/8 Visual Art designed these mandalas using colored pencils.

Hallway Bulletin Board