Saturday, January 23, 2016

3-D Letters

The first project of the spring semester for 7/8 Visual Art focused on one point perspective. Here are some of the results:

And here was mine!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

New Art/Health Hallway Bulletin Board

If you have seen the new film, you know this is a theme throughout. It is also part of our character education at EJHS and exhibits the lifeline of integrity.

Yoda greets us at the art room door.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Mini Meals

Students in 6th Grade Art worked on these delicious pieces during the last week of 2015-16 Semester I. While waiting for their ceramic banks to fire in the kilns, they used Sculpey polymer clay to make miniature sized meals.

This pizza meal is the work of Skyler.

Pop Art Desserts

Students in 7/8 Visual Art worked on these delicious pieces during the last week of 2015-16 Semester I. They were created using oil pastels on black paper and inspired by the work of Wayne Thiebaud. 7th grade students could create one large dessert while 8th grade students had to do a grid with four of the same kind of dessert.

Click an image to see it larger.

Hallway Display Case